I love the Big Happy Planner. It's organizing my life in detail, not to mention it is keeping me on track! I uploaded four blog posts including this one.
As far as planning in the big Happy Planner, I detail things out. Since I'm studying to take a credentialing exam on the 18th, I wrote down in detail the sections that I need to review.
Just like last year, I don't decorate as much in my planners anymore. They're plain. I might put a couple of stickers here and there, but they are functional ones. I used to love to decorate, but I found that it takes too much time to do it. I would choose a theme, start stamping and coloring, stick them on and add washi tape. My appointments and activities got lost in all the pretty planning. Now, I keep my agendas free and clear of any decoration.
As far as my on-the-go planner, it's the same. Both the Big Happy Planner and the Blue Sky planner are in sync. The only difference between the two agendas is that I stamped a couple of weather images onto week 1. The weather has been cold and gloomy here in Northern California that I felt like it was worth noting in the agenda. Other than that, you can see that the only notes in my planners are the appointments and to-dos. It's much easier to navigate. However, everyone is different. Some people have the time to devote to pretty planning, whereas I don't. I'm blogging, studying for a credentialing exam, teaching history at the local community college, and attempting to start an Etsy shop.
All in all, Week 1 was productive.